Automatización y control

Enabling power, control and pump assembly 2 presurizadoras

Cliente: Mining

Fecha: 2014

Lugar: Chile

With daily commitment to continuous improvement, consistent project covers the implementation of two pumps pressurized to the process of re-pumping water, which had 3 pumps turn current system is also considered changing the PLC, for installation and commissioning of the No. 4 and 5 pumps respectively, a metal auxiliary board, containing a modular automatic 3×20 a, two contactors 20 a (one for operation in manual mode and the other in automatic mode was installed by one VDF (inverter)), relay set to 14 A, power and control terminal blocks, control relays, manual / automatic switch, pushbutton start / stop, pump running lights and thermal failure.

Consider changes to the current consistent systems were conducted in separate into two switchboards (power and control), because that is currently all in one cabinet, so new boards as TDF (switchgear) and TDC were appointed ( control panel) respectively, which they will be linked by flexible conduit and straight connectors.

Subsequently the removal of existing PLC was made and mounted the new PLC which in turn works wiring and programming the PLC were conducted to finally testing and commissioning of the complete system in conjunction with operations personnel, where tests were performed satisfactorily and client company I was satisfied with the work and the delivery of our professionals for their dedication put into their work.
